15th Jul 2024

Improving NetSuite Purchase Orders with Automation

Written byTaran Soodan

An efficient procurement process is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Oracle NetSuite offers a comprehensive solution for managing purchase orders (POs) and optimizing procurement workflows. However, many businesses still struggle with inefficiencies in their PO processes, leading to delays, errors, and increased costs.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of purchase orders in NetSuite and how automating key stages of the PO lifecycle can significantly improve efficiency, accuracy, and financial control. By understanding the role of POs in procurement and financial management, businesses can identify opportunities to leverage automation and drive better outcomes for themselves and their vendors.

Understanding the purchase order lifecycle in NetSuite

A purchase order in NetSuite is a formal document that requests goods or services from a vendor. It’s an agreement between the buying organization and the supplier, specifying the items to purchase, quantities, prices, delivery terms, and payment conditions. POs are critical in maintaining financial control and ensuring that purchases are authorized, budgeted for, and properly recorded in the system.

Here’s what the purchase order lifecycle in NetSuite looks like:

  • Creation and submission: The PO lifecycle begins with creating a new purchase order in NetSuite. This typically involves selecting the vendor, specifying the items or services to be purchased, and providing relevant details such as quantities, prices, and delivery requirements. Once the PO is complete, it is submitted for approval.

  • Approval routing and processing: NetSuite’s approval routing feature allows POs to be automatically sent to the appropriate approvers based on predefined criteria, such as dollar amount or department. Approvers can review, modify, and approve or reject the PO. This stage ensures that purchases are properly authorized and aligned with organizational policies.

  • Receipt of goods or services (3-way only): Upon delivery of the requested items or completion of services, the receipt of goods or services is recorded in NetSuite. This step updates inventory levels, generates necessary accounting entries, and prepares the PO for invoice matching.

  • Invoice matching, bill payment, and reconciliation: When the vendor invoice arrives, it is matched against the corresponding PO and receipt in NetSuite. This 3-way matching process verifies that the invoiced amounts align with the agreed-upon prices and quantities. Any discrepancies are identified and resolved. Payment is processed once the invoice is approved and the PO lifecycle is complete. Reconciliation occurs to ensure the accounting software matches what’s in NetSuite.

Common challenges with NetSuite PO management

Managing purchase orders in NetSuite can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially for growing businesses with increasing procurement needs. Despite the powerful features offered by NetSuite, many organizations still face significant challenges in optimizing their PO workflows.

Manual data entry and reconciliation

One of the most glaring issues with NetSuite PO management is the reliance on manual data entry and reconciliation. For instance, this could involve copying and pasting data from one system to another, which is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. This process often leads to inconsistencies and inaccuracies in purchasing data, making it difficult to maintain a single source of truth.

Lack of visibility and control over spend

Without real-time insights into purchase order status and spend, businesses struggle to make informed decisions and control costs effectively. For example, a business might not be aware of a sudden increase in spending on a particular item, leading to budget overruns. Limited visibility hinders the ability to enforce procurement policies and adhere to budgets, resulting in potential overspending and financial risks.

Difficulty in handling discrepancies and exceptions

Identifying and resolving mismatches between POs, receipts, and invoices can be a daunting task. Discrepancies often lead to delays in processing payments and closing the books, causing friction with vendors and impacting financial reporting accuracy.

Preparing for audits

Ensuring compliance with internal controls and regulations is critical for successful audits. However, gathering accurate and timely documentation for auditors can be challenging without streamlined PO processes and comprehensive audit trails.

Automated PO matching: A game-changer for NetSuite users

Forward-thinking organizations are turning to automated PO matching solutions to address the common challenges associated with NetSuite PO management. By leveraging automation’s power, businesses can revolutionize their procurement processes and unlock new levels of efficiency and accuracy.

What is automated PO matching?

Automated PO matching is a technology-driven solution that simplifies the process of reconciling purchase orders, receipts, and invoices in NetSuite. It uses intelligent algorithms to automatically compare and validate data across these documents, eliminating the need for manual checking and reducing the risk of errors. 

Automated PO matching solutions integrate with NetSuite, enabling real-time data syncs and providing a centralized platform for managing the entire PO lifecycle. Bills are automatically linked to bill lines with PO lines via OCR and algorithmic matching.

Benefits of implementing automated PO matching for NetSuite

Implementing automated PO matching for NetSuite offers many benefits that transform procurement processes and drive business value. 

With automated PO matching, the burden of manual data entry and reconciliation is lifted, accelerating the processing of POs, receipts, and invoices. This time-saving solution frees up valuable resources, allowing teams to focus on more strategic tasks and improve overall productivity.

With comprehensive dashboards and reporting capabilities, organizations can effectively enforce procurement policies and stay within budget limits, providing a sense of security and control.

Automated PO matching takes the stress out of discrepancy resolution by identifying mismatches and discrepancies in real-time. This proactive approach triggers alerts and collaborative workflows for resolution, ensuring timely closure of financial records and instilling confidence in the accuracy of the process.

You can assign discrepancy tolerances, automat bypasses when they have been approved, and payment holds when they have not.

Audit-readiness is a crucial aspect of running a business. With automated PO matching, organizations can maintain comprehensive audit trails and documentation. All relevant data is captured and easily accessible, facilitating compliance with internal controls and regulations during audits. In other words, it ensures that your business is always prepared for any audit, minimizing the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties.

Key features to look for in an automated PO matching solution

When evaluating automated PO matching solutions for NetSuite, it’s essential to consider a range of features that align with your organization’s specific needs and requirements. These features include the ability to streamline the matching process, integrate seamlessly with NetSuite, and provide the flexibility to adapt to your unique business processes. Each feature plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your procurement processes.

Real-time two-way sync with NetSuite

A crucial aspect of any automated PO matching solution is its ability to integrate effortlessly with NetSuite. Look for solutions that offer native integrations and APIs, enabling smooth data exchange between the two systems. The solution should align with your existing NetSuite workflows and processes, minimizing disruption during implementation. Additionally, ensure that the solution perfectly mirrors all attachments and documents between NetSuite and the matching system, maintaining a single source of truth.

Support for 2-way and 3-way matching

Flexible matching capabilities are a must-have in an automated PO matching solution. The system should support 2-way matching, comparing POs with invoices, and 3-way matching, incorporating receipts into the reconciliation process. Look for solutions that allow you to define matching criteria based on your specific business requirements, such as item descriptions, quantities, prices, and tolerances.

Customizable matching rules and tolerances

Every business has unique needs for matching POs, receipts, and invoices. An ideal automated PO matching solution should allow you to define match and mismatch thresholds, allowing you to set acceptable variances for different scenarios. Additionally, the solution should enable the configuration of exception handling and escalation paths, ensuring that discrepancies are promptly addressed and resolved.

Automated discrepancy identification and resolution workflows

Real-time alerts for mismatches and exceptions are essential for proactive discrepancy management. The automated PO matching solution should instantly notify relevant stakeholders when discrepancies arise, enabling swift action. Look for solutions that offer collaborative tools for investigating and resolving discrepancies, such as communication channels, audit trails, and workflow automation. These features streamline the resolution process and minimize delays in payment processing and holding payments.

Comprehensive audit trails and reporting

An automated PO matching solution should maintain detailed logs of all matched PO, receipt and invoice data, and any resolved or overwritten discrepancies to ensure compliance and facilitate audits. Comprehensive audit trails provide transparency and accountability, allowing you to track the history of each PO, receipt, and invoice.


Automated PO matching is a transformative solution that addresses the common challenges NetSuite users face in managing their procurement processes. By leveraging automation, businesses can significantly improve accuracy, reduce manual effort, enhance visibility, and streamline discrepancy resolution.

When selecting an automated PO matching solution, consider features such as seamless integration with NetSuite, flexible matching capabilities, customizable rules and tolerances, automated workflows, and comprehensive reporting.