Guides & Research Reports
12th Feb 2022

Everything you need to know about international B2B payments

  • The pros and cons of various international payment methods
  • The benefits of implementing a international payment solution
  • How a solution fits into your existing AP workflow
Guide Everything About XB V2

B2B international payments can get messy. With high fees, slow processing and inadequate transparency, even introducing just a few international vendors to your accounts payable process can create friction. Preventing roadblocks is possible, however, and this guide will show you how.

We’ll cover the ins and outs of a smooth international B2B payment process, including

  • The pros and cons of various international payment methods

  • The benefits of implementing a international payment solution

  • How a solution fits into your existing AP workflow

You’ll also learn how AP automation expedites the international payments experience for your team and helps save money right away.