Invoice Capture & OCR

Reclaim your time with AI invoice processing

Eliminate manual invoice entry and automatically create bills in seconds with OCR.

Automation features that leave manual invoice entry in the dust

AI-powered data capture

No more typos or mismatched vendors. Replace time-intensive tasks with automated bill capture and data extraction that’s accurate every time.

Process bills and pay vendors faster

Create 1000s of bills in minutes, cut your coding time by 60% and bulk approve multiple payments at once with AI-powered OCR and approval rules.
Process Bills Faster Visual
less time spent coding bills

Stress-free syncing

Sync with 99.8% accuracy and real-time two-way integration, ensuring your bills are always up to date and you never have to worry about data loss.
Stress Free Syncing Visual

Create thousands of bills with ease

Create thousands of bills without manual coding. Integrate directly with NetSuite, Sage Intacct, Xero, and QuickBooks or more via API.
Bills With Ease Visual
I love the easy-to-use UI and the automation of bill creation from email capture. We also heavily rely on the robust APIs to help automate our payables from our homegrown platform.
Mike D.
VP, Finance @ a Software company

Discover powerful automation that lets you capture and code invoices in seconds

Creating New Bills
Creating new bills
Automatically create bills in seconds through a variety of upload methods.
  • Upload invoice in Routable
  • Sync a bill from your accounting software
  • Email forwarding
  • API
  • CSV upload
Email forwarding
Using OCR, Routable will create a bill from a forwarded invoice within 30 seconds.
OCR Powered Field Capture
OCR-powered field capture
Pre-populate appropriate fields of a bill in Routable so you can take action.
  • Vendor
  • Invoice number
  • PO number
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Line item description
  • Sales tax amount (filled as a line item)
  • Total
Summary Coding
Summary coding
Reduce less detailed bills to a single line for the total amount by merging line items.
Split Attachments
Split attachments
Separate multiple files attached to the same email to code bills independently.
Vendor Matching
Vendor matching
Extracted vendor information is matched with your pre-authorized vendor list.

Invoice automation FAQs

But wait, there’s more

Approval Workflows
Tackle any type of approval need with our industry-leading configurability.
Learn more
Payment Reconciliation
Replace endless spreadsheets and data entry with a platform built on automation.
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Role-based Access Control
Transform your accounting tasks into streamlined, role-specific operations.
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Compliance Icon
The automated controls you need to reduce risk and improve compliance.
Learn more